The term junk food is a zone of real mess in our
country. People commonly define many sweet or dessert as a junk food. But
sugars are not bad, unless consumed in excess. An allowable dessert bowl is fair
about anything, including a candy bar, while it's part of a well-balanced meal.
Since your youngster spends time away from home, it's impossible to eliminate
desserts from her diet. You will only create an unnecessary battleground. And,
you will be observed on as an unfair parent.
A harder question is whether or not candy, soft drinks,
or other sweets should be allowed as a snack. They are not a good choice.
Eating refined sugar in isolation can cause a withdrawal reaction about 2 hours
later with symptoms of sweating, dizziness, and sleepiness. These reactions are
not harmful and a soft drink as a snack, teach him that he should also eat
something from the grain or fruit food groups.
Junk food normally assigns to foods that
contribute many calories but little nutritional value. Of course, what is
considered junk food depends on whom
you explore. Some might says pizza is junk food, for example. However I
personally do not think so, since it contributes real food with nutrients, like
cheese and tomato sauce. Add whole-wheat or part whole-wheat crust, plus veggies
as a topping, and I would say pizza completely exits the junk food category. Most junk
food falls into the categories of either "snack food" or
"fast food." And then there are things like breakfast cereals. They seem innocent enough, but some
of them could definitely be considered junk
food, as they mostly contain sugar or high-fructose corn syrup and white
flour or milled corn.
-Fast food is easy, and while you can
resist the strategy they used to encourage you to overeat, such as meal deals,
super-sizing and two for one offers, its advantages can help you to eat better.
-You can practice portion control--choose small, regular, junior or single sizes.
-You can walk in, order and eat. No delayed meals or waiting for the table for food.
-You can make special requests to avoid hidden calories such as mayonnaise and special sauces.
-You can split and share with no second charges.
-Not hard-to-resist high-calorie nibbles greet you at the table.
-Dessert is not a focal face of the menu.
-Nutrition briefing is available.
Disadvantages:--You can practice portion control--choose small, regular, junior or single sizes.
-You can walk in, order and eat. No delayed meals or waiting for the table for food.
-You can make special requests to avoid hidden calories such as mayonnaise and special sauces.
-You can split and share with no second charges.
-Not hard-to-resist high-calorie nibbles greet you at the table.
-Dessert is not a focal face of the menu.
-Nutrition briefing is available.
-The more food for less money pitch encourages overeating
-Large, extra large, big, jumbo, and double portions are the norm.
-High fat ingredients are plentiful in cheese, fried chicken or fish, bacon, French fries, mayonnaise, and special sauces.
-Can cause many health problems if eaten frequently.
-Vegetables can be difficult to find, aside from small salads, the few leafs of lettuce on a sandwich or, worst, vegetables that are fried, such as potatoes or onion rings.
-Fruit is not present other than as orange juice or among the crusts of baked or fried pies.